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Kile and Judy's Story Book

Kile and Judy's Story Book


After Krystee's dad passed away, Fernando organized a project with us to honor his memory and surprise his wife.

We spoke with Krystee’s aunt and uncle to hear stories all about her dad, her family history, her aunt and uncle’s love story and what their relationship with Krystee has meant to them over the years.

It was so special to hear their love for their niece.

We were able to finish the book in time for Fernando, Kile, and Judy to surprise Krystee when they were all together for a family wedding! Tears were spread, hugs were shared, and it was a beautiful moment.

We loved being part of the surprise! We hope that Krystee, her family, and future generations love this book for years to come!


Read the next project summary, about Maria, here.

Learn more about No Story Lost on our homepage, here.

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